染: Ⅰ动词1.(用染料着色)dye 短语和例子把一块布染成蓝色 dye a piece of cloth blue; 染发 dye hair; 染指甲 paint fingernails; 这料子染不好。 this material does not dye well. 这种布好染。this cloth dyes easily [quickly; readily]. 晚霞染红了
Article 91 the vessel or aircraft coming from a yellow fever prevalent area but free from contamination may undergo sanitization as stipulated in item 3 of article 89 of these implementation rules if the health and quarantine organ considers it necessary 第九十一条对没有染疫的船舶、航空器,如果来自黄热病疫区,卫生检疫机关认为必要时,可以实施本细则第八十九条第(三)项规定的卫生处理。