Out of the open country , in again among ruinous buildings , solitary farms , dye - works , tanneries , and the like , cottages in twos and threes , avenues of leafless trees 走出了空旷的田野,又走过了倾塌的建筑物孤独的农庄染坊和硝皮作坊之类三三两两的农舍一行行掉光了叶子的树木。
Houses in twos and threes pass by us , solitary farms , ruinous buildings , dye - works , tanneries , and the like , open country , avenues of leafless trees . the hard uneven pavement is under us , the soft deep mud is on either side 在我们身边经过的有两三座房屋独立的农庄建筑物的废墟染坊和硝皮作坊之类,还有开阔的田野一排排落了叶的树。
Subsequent stages took place : in 1992 , an expansion was made of the industrial factory to its current 129 , 167 square feet , in 1997 the dyeing house in this plant was launched and finally in 2005 new commercial offices were opened 随后公司迅速发展: 1992年,生产工厂的面积扩大到了129 , 167 ; 1997年,染坊投放生产; 2005年,新的商业办事处建立了。