When we arrive at the destination , we will see a dry well 等我们到达目的地的时候,会看到院内门口有一口枯井。
They all grabbed shovels and began to scoop dirt into the well 农夫的邻居们人手一把铲子,开始将泥土铲进枯井中。
And they took him , and cast him into a pit : and the pit was empty , there was no water in it 他们拿住约瑟,把他丢在枯井里。那井是空的,里面没有水。
[ kjv ] and they took him , and cast him into a pit : and the pit was empty , there was no water in it 他们拿住约瑟,把他丢在枯井里。那井是空的,里面没有水。
These are the tools that will help us " shake it off and step up " out of the wells in which we find ourselves 我们应该不断地建立信心希望和无条件的爱,这些都是帮助我们从生命中的枯井脱困并找到自己的工具。
Ne day , a farmer s donkey fell into a dried up well . the animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do 有一天某个农夫的一头驴子,不小心掉进一口枯井里,农夫绞尽脑汁想办法救出驴子,但几个小时过去了,驴子还在井里痛苦地哀嚎著。
As with the donkey , life is going to shovel dirt on you , all kinds of dirt . the trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up . each setback we encounter is like dirt shoveled on our backs 就如驴子的情况,在生命的旅程中,有时候我们难免会陷入枯井里,会被各式各样的泥沙倾倒在我们身上,而想要从这些枯井脱困的秘诀就是:将泥沙抖落掉,然后站到上面去!