And hetian jade sub jade color of the leather a lot of especially , have autumn pear , reed catkins , purplish red wicked to wait a moment for color 尤其是和阗玉子玉皮色很多,有秋梨芦花枣红黑等等颜色。
Between the ranks of uhlans on the chestnut horses , and in a great mass behind them , could be seen blue french dragoons on grey horses 在骑枣红马的橙黄色的枪骑兵中间和后面是一大片骑灰色马身着蓝色制服的法军骑兵。
One was in a black uniform with a white plume , on a chestnut english thoroughbred , the other in a white uniform on a black horse 一人身穿黑制服,头上露出白帽缨,骑在一匹英国式的枣红马背上,另一人身穿白制服,骑着一匹乌骓。
Deep fried and served with thick gravy and vinegar , the dish takes the shape of chrysanthemum in blossom with its sliced meat turning outwards 菊花青鱼,青鱼块加工后,经油炸,肉翻开如盛开菊花,加调料卤汁,色泽枣红,酸甜适口。
Deep fried and served with thick gravy and vinegar , the dish takes the shape of chrysanthemum in blossom with its sliced meat turning outwards 菊花青鱼,青鱼块加工后,经油炸,肉翻开如盛开菊花,加调料卤汁,色泽枣红,酸甜适口。
Carve jade actor precede by jade name with various kinds of color of the leather , for instance autumn pear leather , tiger leather , purplish red leather dark leather , etc . 琢玉艺人以各种皮色冠以玉名,如秋梨皮子虎皮子枣红皮子黑皮子等等。
He knew this , and therefore awaited what was to come with more patience than his horses , especially the left one , the chestnut falcon , who was continually pawing the ground and champing at the bit 他知道这样的情形,所以比他的马尤其是左辕的枣红马,叫雄鹰,此刻在踏脚和嚼马嚼子更有耐心地静候事态的发展。
A young hawker falls desperately in love with a widow but the latter is living with a hopeless gambler . when the widow is accused of horse stealing , the hawker is willing to sacrifice his life to save hers 与甘草一块生活的八墩是个劣性十足的赌徒,他一门心思压在赌场上,后来不仅倾尽家产,甚至还赔上了那匹赖以生存的枣红马。
Such sub jade material as the white cover , black cover , purplish red cover or pipe oil cover , autumn pear peel , deerskin , etc . , the cover does not invade the inside , the inside is still white , it is all first - class good material to be so long as moist 白皮黑皮枣红皮或烟袋油皮秋梨皮鹿皮等子玉料,皮不侵入内部,内部仍是白色,只要润都是上等好料。