[书面语] lying on top of each other; lying in disorder
Example Sentences:
Twenty minutes later the gloucester, hit by several bombes, was brought to full stop, badly on fire, and with her upper deck a shambles . 二十分钟后,“格罗斯特”号连中炸弹数枚,立即停航,舰上烈火熊熊,上层甲板尸骸枕藉。
Until they do , thousands of lives are lost and millions of tons of supplies never make it to england 德军潜艇横行大西洋,无声无息从海底深处突击盟军船只,令盟军伤亡枕藉,补给截断。
Twenty minutes later the gloucester , hit by several bombes , was brought to full stop , badly on fire , and with her upper deck a shambles 二十分钟后, “格罗斯特”号连中炸弹数枚,立即停航,舰上烈火熊熊,上层甲板尸骸枕藉。
At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past , professor adrian hall quaid , who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son , sam gyllenhaal , who was in new york city as part of a scholastic competition , when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new ice age 加上杰克亲眼目睹一个如罗德岛般巨大的冰块从南极冰层上脱落后,地球的气象开始产生重大变化:如葡萄般大的冰雹侵袭东京有史以来破坏性最强的飓风席卷夏威夷大风雪袭击印度新德里异常的卷风将洛杉矶毁于一旦这些突如其来的天然灾害,弄至死伤枕藉,损失惨重。