make a pillow of one's spear waiting for daybreak; all set to start the battle; be combat-ready during the whole night; be on 24-hour standby; keep vigil [be ready] for an emergency; await eagerly the order for battle; lie with one's head pillowed on a spear, waiting for day to break -- to be ready for battle; maintain combat readiness; on the alert at all hours; rest on firearms as pillows till dawn; sleep on one's arms till morning; sleep with one's weapon as pillow; sleep without undressing; with spear for pillow awaiting dawn
Example Sentences:
One advantage is that she can play a waiting game 她还有一张王牌就是她可以伺机下手,枕戈待旦。
Everyone is preparing for the start of the third arena season and we ' re excited to get new items , rewards , and fresh competition going for everyone participating in the arenas “每个战士都在为竞技场第三季枕戈待旦,我们也因为能给予你们这些竞技场参与者新的道具,奖励和新的竞争而跃跃欲试。 ”