| 1. | Houses in england are mostly built of brick or stone 英格兰的房屋大都用砖石构制。 |
| 2. | A novel method ( in situ electropolymerization method ) of biosensor elaboration was put forward 提出了生物传感器构制的新方法?原位电化学聚合法。 |
| 3. | Two seiected membranes materiais were used to f8bricate two kinds of piezoe1ectric immunosensors 基于所讨论的两种敏感膜,本文构制了两种类型的压电生物传感器。 |
| 4. | " composing shaping ( cs ) and describing meaning ( dm ) " are important characteristics of composing system of chinese art structure 摘要赋形与写意是中国艺术结构的重要构制特点。 |
| 5. | How to modify the biomacromolecufar onto the sensor surface effectively . simpfy . conveniently and quickiy is the first probiem shouid be solved in the construction of biosensor 如何有效、简单、方便、快捷地进行生物大分子敏感膜的修饰是在构制生物传感器时首先要考虑的问题。 |
| 6. | At present , the recognised pre - employment course is the one - year course in basic craft certificate in welding and fabrication offered by the welding training centre wetc of the vocational training council 目前获认可的职前训练课程为职业训练局焊接业训练中心开办的焊接构制基本技术一年制证书课程。 |
| 7. | Because of the different characters , views of appreciation the beauty and art interest , they develop the different manners of painting beauty in their poems 前者侧重清新雅致,以素淡的色彩工笔细描,构制优美的意境,耐人回味;后者追求浓墨重彩,七色俱全,虽重象征笔法,但更突出的特点却是直抒胸臆。 |
| 8. | The modification of biomacromoiecuiars is very important for the detection . separation and purification of many substances in iife science . lt is aiso a hot topic in the construction of all kinds of biosensors 生物大分子的涂饰对生命物质的检测、分离和提纯有着很重要的作用,尤其是在各种生物传感器的构制中一直是人们的研究热点。 |
| 9. | Finaliy two kinds of piezoeiectric biosensors were constructed using different sensing membranes and were firstly applied in detecting m . tuberculosis and trichinosis , which have aroused much attention in recent years . some more detaii investigations were listed as foliowing ; 1 最后,利用所讨论的两种膜本文构制了两种类型的压电生物传感器,针对人们关注的结核病和旋毛虫病首次进行了临床诊断方面的应用。 |
| 10. | Simplicity to use and ease to real - time output etc . the quartz crystai microbaiance based on the response of mass change , is a sensitive mass sensor and very suitable to the detection of biomacromoiecuiar . now it is expected to find widely use in ciinic chemistry , pharmaceutics anaiysis , environmentai detection and so on 而作为一种很有发展前途的传感器件,压电体声波传感器具有高灵敏度、宽响应谱、价格低廉、操作简单及方便适时的输出等优点;尤其是基于质量效应构制的石英晶体微天平具有很高的质量响应灵敏度,特别适合生物大分子的测定而广泛用于临床化学,药物分析,环境质量等诸多领域。 |