Studies on the pathogenicity of sphaeropsis sapinea 松球壳孢菌的致病性研究
Turquoise , however , is available from many other areas including northern africa , australia , siberia , china and other parts of europe 绿松石是含水的铜铝的磷酸盐矿物,因形似松球,色近松绿而得名。
For example , the spiral arrangement of scale - bract complexes on ovule - bearing pine cones , where the female reproductive organs of conifers are located , is important to the production of airflow patterns that spiral over the cone ' s surfaces , thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next 例如,带有胚珠的松球的鳞苞综合体的螺旋状安排,亦即松柏目植物雌性殖器官的所在位置,对于气流模式的形成与产生殊为重要,而这些气流模式在松球的表现盘旋上升,从而把在空气中飞行的花粉从一个鳞苞传播至下一个鳞苞。