飞: Ⅰ动词1.(鸟、虫等在空中活动) fly; flit 短语和例子鸟在空中飞来飞去。 birds flit about in the sky.2.(利用动力机械在空中行动) fly 短语和例子由上海直飞北京 fly nonstop from shanghai to beijing3.(在空中飘浮游动) fly; float or flutter in the air 短语和例
杨: 名词1.(杨树) poplar 短语和例子白杨 white poplar2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子杨朱 yang zhu
Example Sentences:
Philip yancey is one of the most popular award - winning christian authors today . five of his books have sold over a million copies each 杨飞立在美国被公认为最有影响力的基督徒作家,他其中五本著作的销量曾已超越一百万本。