| 1. | You ought to run the household as a business . 你应当象做买卖一样来料理家务。 |
| 2. | There are a number of things pressing for my attention . 有许多事情急待我来料理。 |
| 3. | Evidently, she was going to see about his dinner . 很明显,她是来料理他的中饭的。 |
| 4. | An hour before breakfast, the undertakers arrived and took charge of bodies of harran and annixter . 早饭前一个钟头,殡仪馆里的人员来了,来料理哈伦和安尼克斯特的尸体。 |
| 5. | Process products with materials supplied by clients 来料来样来件加工产品 |
| 6. | Some one really must go and look after them 可是,总得有个人来料理呀。 |
| 7. | Handle with part non - conformity during mass production 处理日常生产中来料和产线异常零件。 |
| 8. | Welcome come material , come kind to process 欢迎来料、来样加工。 |
| 9. | Training and coaching quality inspectors 培训并指导来料检验员。 |
| 10. | 0 incoming materials inspection is not performed systematically 对来料检验没有明确系统化进行 |