Primal fire / earth ( and motes of the same ) can be put in mining bags 源生之土/源生火焰(以及相应的微粒)现在能放置在采矿材料包中。
Primal water / mana / life ( and motes of the same ) can be put in enchanting bags 源生之水/源生法力/源生生命(以及相应的微粒)现在能放置在附魔材料包中。
The ogres in the barrier hills are rumored to have a pattern for a 24 slot bag to hold leatherworking supplies 壁垒山的食人魔现在有可能掉落24格制皮材料包的图样。
A new recipe is available from grand master leatherworking trainers to make a 20 slot bag to hold leatherworking supplies 现在从制皮训练师处可以学到新的配方, 20格的制皮材料包。
Gary sinise ' s lower legs were wrapped in a special blue fabric that allowed them to be optically removed from the film by computer later 加里?西尼斯(丹中尉的扮演者)的小腿是被一种蓝色的特殊材料包起来,这种材料后来经电脑处理后,视觉上感觉就像除去了。