Ⅰ名词 1.[书面语] (秤锤) counterpoise; weight (of a steelyard) 2.(权力) power; authority 短语和例子 当权 in power; 受权 be authorized (to do sth.); 行政权 administrative power; 越权 overstep one's authority; 警察有权逮捕犯法者。 policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.3.(权利) right 短语和例子 表决权 right to vote; 生存权 rights for living; 特权 special right and privilege; 选举权和被选举权 the right to vote and stand for election; 在这个问题上没有发言权 not be entitled to speak on the matter; have no say in the matter4.(有利的形势)advantageous position:霸权 hegemony;制空权 mastery of the air; 主动权 initiative 5.(权变; 权宜) expediency 短语和例子 通权达变 adapt oneself to circumstances6.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 权德舆 quan deyuⅡ动词 [书面语] (权衡) weigh 短语和例子 权其轻重 weigh up one thing against another; weigh up the matter carefullyⅢ副词 (权且; 姑且) tentatively; for the time being 短语和例子 权充 act temporarily as; serve as a stopgap for; 死马权当活马医 doctor a dead horse tentatively as if it were still alive -- not give up for lost
Example Sentences:
The interview is exclusive to this magazine . 本杂志得到独家访问权。
You have no divine right of purchase . 你没有神圣不可侵犯的购买权。
You have an option on a piece of land . 你有买卖一块地皮的选择权。
The lord lost his claims to escheat . 土地领主失去了归还土地的请求权。
He has a great deal of patronage in his hands . 他有很大的任命权。
You have your choice between the two . 在这两个之中,你有选择权。
County boroughs lose their autonomy . 自治郡失去了它们的自治权。
I'd better expedite the change of command . 我最好尽快上任,接过指挥权。
It involved selling off limited partnerships . 它涉及到售出有限的合伙权。