The inspection tour notes for the mississippi river in u . s . a 美国密西西比河考察旅行杂记
Shall we go to watch an acrobatic show 我们去观看杂记表演,好吗?
Miscellanies of luo zhenyu when living in tian jin 罗振玉寓津杂记
The miscellanies of reading and studying on xie guo - zhen ' s edition and catalogue 谢国桢著版本目录学著述读学杂记
Za fu of the han dynasty includes fables among the people , maxims , and descriptions of animals and plants 摘要汉代的杂赋包括民间流传的寓言故事赋,也包括箴言类的杂记作品以及描写日常动植物而无关讽谏的小赋。
Since 1994 , zhu had been writing his taiji kung fu ( gongfu ) miscellanea , a note about his taiji kung fu ( gongfu ) practices and theoretic studies 朱宣咸1994年起,作“习拳杂记”心得笔记,以记录自己在太极拳剑的实践与理论方面的研究。
In addition to his novels , creative nonfiction , short stories and essays , mailer wrote , produced , directed and acted in several films 梅勒除了写小说,创作非小说性的散文,短篇小说以及杂记之外,梅勒还编著、创作、指导并出演了若干部电影。
Contains hundreds of wildlife sounds recorded from all over the world , including reptiles , mammals and insects . features an illustrated introduction to bird communication -包含鸟事杂记黑琵计数鸟人文章校园鸟况写真留影好书介绍访客留言
Now , when sound bites are getting shorter , when instant messages crowd out essays , and when individual lives grow more crazy , college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs 现在,在(新闻采访的)原声摘要播出变得愈来愈短,即时信息淘汰了杂记文,个人生活变得如痴如狂之际,这个世界还是需要能够深思的大学生。