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English translation for "机床工作台"


Related Translations:
十字工作台:  cross table
新式机床:  junior machine
机床产量:  machine output
机床说明书:  machine specifications
半自动机床:  semi-automatic controlling machine
机床显微镜:  machine-tool miroscope
机床利用率:  machine tool utilization rate
机床切削:  machine cut
机床调整卡片:  tooling chart
机床垫铁:  iron gasket for machine tool
Example Sentences:
1.Machine tool tables - t - slots and corresponding bolts
2.Machine tool tables - t - slots and corresponding bolts
机床工作台. t型槽和配用螺栓
3.Machine tool tables - t - slots and corresponding bolts
机床工作台. t型槽和配用螺栓
4.Being provided with a tool lifter , the machine table can obtain rapid motion in vertical and horizontal direction
5.Use : test the flatness of plate , leveling ruler , machine tool working platform , guides and precision work - piece
6.Being provided with a tool lifter , the machine table can obtain rapid motion in vertical , horizontal direction , spin and the switch of the impulse
7.While disassembling work - piece or moving some accessories , keep the objects from striking the worktable or the grinding wheel ; keep hands or arms from touching the wheel
8.Use : in coordination with the leveling instrument , optical flatness measuring instrument and electronic leveling instrument to test the flatness of plate , leveling ruler , machine tool working platform , guides and precision workpiece
9.Basic type : it stand for basic type of the machine tool , " dk " stands for " electricity - wparkle numerical control " , " m " for " exactitude " and three arabic numbers for the distinguish of the processes among different machine tool desk
基础型号:基础型号代表机床的基本机型、 “ dk ”代表“电火花数控” , “ m ”代表“精密”三位阿拉拍数字代表不同机床工作台行程的区别。
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