[ běn ] i 名词 1.(草木的茎或根)stem or root of plants 短语和例子 草本glass family; 木本plants with stiff trunks; the stem of a tree; 木本植物woody plants; 水有源,木有本.a stream has its source; a tree has its rot.2.(事物的根源)foundation; origin; basis 短语和例子 忘本forget one's ancestry or tradition; 舍本逐末attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials; 胜利之本the foundation of victory3.(本钱,本金)capital; principal 短语和例子 亏本儿lose money 无本儿inadequate capital; 吃老本儿live off one's past gains; 还本付息 pay back the capital [principal] plus interest4.(册子)book 短语和例子 户口本儿 residence booklet; 帐本儿 account book5.(版本) edition; version 短语和例子 原刻本original edition; 平装本paperback6.(演出的底本)copy 短语和例子 剧本script; 抄本manuscript copy7.(封建时代指奏章)memorial to the throne 短语和例子 奏本memorial to emperor8.(姓氏)a surname 本高 ben gao ii 量词 1.(用于书籍、簿册等)book; volume 短语和例子 一本参考书 a book of reference;两本儿帐 two account books2.(用于一定长度的影片) volume, reel 短语和例子 一个有十四本长的影片 a fourteen-reel film3.(用于戏曲) volume 短语和例子 头本《红楼梦》the first ""red chamber dream""iii 形容词 1.(原来的)original 短语和例子 本籍 one's ancestral district2.(自己方面的)one's own; native 短语和例子 本校 our school; 本厂产品the products of our factory3.(主要的;中心的)principal; central 短语和例子 本部central department4.(现今的)this; present; current 短语和例子 本年this year; 本计划 the present planiv 副词 (原来)originally 短语和例子 本属于originally belong to; 本该如此should have been so anyway v 动词 (遵照;按照)follow; base on; according to 短语和例子 本着这一原则 base on the principle 每句话都有所本 every statement is well-founded
Example Sentences:
The interview is exclusive to this magazine . 本杂志得到独家访问权。
You can read this book in one sitting . 你可以坐着一气把这本书读完。
He was asked to demonstrate his talent to japan . 他应邀去日本献艺。
The book provides insight and inspiration . 本书赋予读者见识和启发。
The work is still in manuscript . 那本著作仍旧没有印刷(原稿未动)。
She read a few lines and dropped the volume . 她读了几行,合上书本。
The fair name of the city would be smirched . 本城的名誉要遭受玷污。
This book is not as interesting as that one ... 这本书没那本书有趣。
This is to announce the ball on the weekend . 兹订于本周末举行舞会。
I will take whichever book you reject . 随便哪一本书拿你不要的给我。