整: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete 短语和例子整日整夜 the whole day and night; 整个世界 all the world ; 整整一打 a full dozen; 整部小说 the entire novel; 十二点整 twelve o'clock sharp; 完整的句子 a complete sentence
洗: 洗动词1.(用水等去掉物体上的脏东西) wash; bathe 短语和例子碧空如洗 a cloudless blue sky; 洗掉脸上的灰尘 wash the dust off one's face; 洗干净 wash sth. clean; 洗净患处 wash the affected part; 洗伤口 bathe a wound; 洗衣服 wash clothes2