Big tree transplant technology of manglietia glauca 灰木莲大树移植技术
Study on the structure characters with natural community of m . yuyuanensis law 乳源木莲天然群落结构特征研究
Set herself , therefore , to gathering violets and wood - anemones , and some scarlet columbines that she found growing in the crevices of a high rock 因此,她就一心采集紫罗兰和木莲花,以及她发现长在一块高大石头的缝隙中的一些腥红的耧斗菜。
There is 90 kinds of near dragon woman s tea , red flower wood lotus , yunnan wearing a smile etc . wood orchid in the wood park . 100 grass parks gather 37 , heavy building , cloud wood joss - stick etc . the valuable medium herb medicine 1000 remaining grow 木兰园有女茶红花木莲云南含笑等木兰科植物近90种。百草园集有三七重楼云木香等名贵中草药1000余种。