| 1. | Every morning he went out importantly with a basket to pick up twigs and chips to start the fires with . 他每天早晨起来,就要象煞有介事地拿着一只篮子到外边去捡树枝木片,以备生炉子引火用。 |
| 2. | Look among those fragments with care , jacques “雅克,仔细检查一下这些破木片。 |
| 3. | A book that is shut , is but a block 书本备而不阅,犹如木片毫无益处。开卷有益。 |
| 4. | The children modeled a ship out of bits of wood 孩子们用木片制作轮船模型。 |
| 5. | Just two carved pieces of wood and one bass bar 只是两块雕刻的木片加上一个低音力木。 |
| 6. | Forestry machinery - wood chippers - safety 林业用机械.木片切割机.安全 |
| 7. | He built those pieces of wood into a box 他用那些碎木片做成一个箱子。 |
| 8. | Any of the thin layers glued together to make plywood 薄木片粘在一起制成胶合板的任何一层薄木板 |
| 9. | They carved a whole page of characters back - to - front in the wood 他们把整页的文字反刻在木片上。 |
| 10. | Forestry machinery - wood chippers - safety ; german version en 13525 : 2005 林业用机械.木片切割机.安全 |