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English translation for "有国难投"

though one has a country one can not return to it.; although one has a country one cannot take refuge there

Related Translations:
国难:  national calamity (caused by foreign aggression)
国难深重:  serious national calamity
国难当头:  the country is faced with a crisis
共赴国难:  call for united efforts to save the nation; work together to save the country in time of national crisis
国难靡止:  there is no end to the nation
上海国难教育社:  shanghai national salvation education society
有家难奔有国难投:  one has a country whereto one cannot return
投棒:  caber
投烟幕弹:  smoke
侧投:  sidearm
Example Sentences:
1.One has home whereto one cannot go ; one has a country whereto one cannot return .
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