The wo3 based gas sensor is based on hall effect 摘要利用霍耳效应成功地研制了wo3月半导体气敏传感器。
She was also about 8 and a half months pregnant . we brought her into the living room and sat her down . she looked ill and worn out 她也怀上了8个月半的身孕。我们带她进入了起居室并让她坐下。她看上去一脸病容并且筋疲力尽。
From the second half of october , the district held a dog keeping management meeting , in which the dog regulating work will be deployed to the sub level 从10月半,行政区会开保留狗的管理会议,在狗有系统的工作将被部署在次层级。
Upon returning to new york from mure , noguchi s cold escalated into pneumonia , and after approximately one month and a half , noguchi passed away on december 30 牟礼? 、风邪肺炎、约1月半后12月30日生涯终。
And , depending how you do in the playoffs , you still have the opportunity to have three - and - a - half to five - and - half - months off in the summer , when your kids are out of school 另外根据球队在季后赛表现的情况,你仍有机会拥有三个月半到5个月半的夏季休息时间,那时孩子们也都放假了。
To a large degree , everything is as nature intended . in some respects ( such as public transportation ) , dapu is linked more to tainan county than other parts of chiayi county 乡内宜山宜水,景点处处,曾文水库位在境内里,另外还有情人公园、掬月半岛、大埔拱桥、嘉义农场等优美景色。
Built over the water , the hao pu pavilion has a ming style brick balustrade . by the side of the pavilion stands a piece of limestone with a natural round hole producing the image of the moon when mirrored in the water , a marvellous scene which can be . appreciated on all occasions 濠濮亭跨水而筑,按有明式砖栏,亭前水边置有一峰名“印月” ,峰石中的涡孔倒影池中印有的一轮明月,在此不管月半中秋,有无明月当空,均能赏月,娱目谴兴。