| 1. | He hated to put anything in writing . 他最不喜欢把任何东西写成书面的。 |
| 2. | It goes against his stomach to tell lies . 他最不喜欢撒谎。 |
| 3. | Advice is seldom welcome; and those who want it the most always like it the least . 劝告是很少受到欢迎的;最需要劝告的人往往最不喜欢它。 |
| 4. | Tom disliked two things almost above all else, people who disagreed with him; and women . 汤姆最不喜欢两种人,一种是同他意见不和的人,另一种是女人。 |
| 5. | Next to death, commercial bread and the price of gas, i hate the idea of getting bald the most . 除了死亡、质量低劣的面包和汽油的价格,我最不喜欢想到的就是秃头。 |
| 6. | The one i dislike the most is the exhortation not to grieve over an event, "for it cannot be helped" . 我最不喜欢听的,便是劝告别人不要为了一件“那是没法的”事情伤心。 |
| 7. | Men do not like to feel that they are guilty of wrong, and if you make them feel guilty, they will try desperately to justify it on any grounds . 人们最不喜欢感觉到有作了孽的内疚心情,你一旦让他们觉得内疚,他们就会想尽办法用一切理由来为自己辩解。 |
| 8. | She knew how nikolay disliked being waked 她知道尼古拉最不喜欢人家把他吵醒。 |
| 9. | What do you not like about your body / face / etc 你最不喜欢你的身体/脸蛋/等等 |
| 10. | What would you be least likely to order at a tavern 在客栈你最不喜欢要的是什么? |