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English translation for "更富有的"


Related Translations:
富有:  1.(拥有大量财产) rich; wealthy2.(大量具有) rich in; full of 短语和例子富有魅力 seductive; full of charm [fascination]; 富有远见 full of farsightedness; farsighted; 富有经验 rich in experience; very experienced; 富有代表
富有家庭:  well-to-do family
富有者:  richling
富有弹性:  high resilience
富有策略:  diplomatic
罕富有:  han fuyou
富有夫:  fuyuo
富有机智:  be full of resource
非常富有:  as rich as croesus
富有成效:  be fruitfuleffectively
Example Sentences:
1.A day ' s watching persuaded him that the goblins had moved on , perhaps in search of richer pickings
2.I know thats what youre thinking because every time i meet somebody , they always refer to other people as being rich
3.None is so rich that he can get along without it ; none so poor that he is not enriched by it
4.The balts still need to treat their soldiers better , and to increase defence spending ( though so do bigger and richer members from western europe )
波罗的海人仍然需要更好地对待他们的士兵并增加防务开支(尽管来自西欧更大更富有的成员也需如此) 。
5.While it is common for people from poorer countries to migrate to developed , wealthier nations , experts found there was also migration between developing countries - - for example , from guatemala to mexico
6.As a matter of fact , the authors write that the poverty - stricken ( and even the middle class ) should be the ones to feel guilty by not living up to their true potential as thinking beings
7.As a matter of fact , the authors write that the poverty - stricken ( and even the middle class ) should be the ones to feel guilty by not living up to their true potential as thinking beings
8.They have a different problem : they need money to compete for high - calibre students and academics , both british and foreign , who could be tempted overseas by better - heeled american universities or fast - improving institutions in developing countries such as india
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