[ míng; mìng ] Ⅰ名词 1.[书面语] (黄昏) dusk; evening twilight 2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 暝信 ming xinⅡ动词 [书面语] (日落; 天黑) (of the sun) set; (of the sky) grow dark 短语和例子 日将暝。 the sun is setting. 天已暝。 dusk has fallen
They stood together minute after minute, without further speech, each looking at the blackening scene, and each thinking his and her own thoughts . 他们两个站在一起,过了一分钟又一分钟,谁也没再说话,各人看着渐渐昏暝的景物,各人想着各人的心事。
Do you need some drinks ? / would you like something to drink ? / what kinds of drinks 要不要点饮料? /要什么饮料? (点套餐钡暝被嵛收庖痪
Over 1500 worshippers from daiwan traveled to goddess mazo ' s birthplace in muijiu island , china , on sunday by boat and by plane for a six - day seven - night pilgrimage marking an anniversary for mazo ' s becoming a goddess over 1000 years ago 有千五耶以上耶台员郎礼拜日坐船及飞行机去到中国福建耶湄洲岛妈祖庙进香,前后六工七暝,主要是去拜妈祖千外年前由凡人变做神明。
The poem , shan ju qiu ming , is the most excellent one which describes the mountain and river , using brief words , explicit pictures , and forms further scene and is filled of beauty ; and at the same time in the scene the feature is exhibited 摘要《山居秋暝》以洗练的笔墨绘出画面,形成幽远的意境,充满了诗情画意之美,而在所绘意境中又处处透出丰采神韵,深得情景交融之妙,不愧为山水诗中的珍品佳作。