迹: 名词1.(留下的印子; 痕迹) mark; trace 短语和例子血迹 bloodstain; 足迹 footmark; footprint; 蛛丝马迹 the gossamer threads of a spider and the trail of a horse; spider's web and horse's footprint2.(前人遗留的建筑或器物等) re
暗迹: dark trace◇暗迹电子射线管 dark trace tube; 暗迹粉 [电学] scotophor; 暗迹记录管 dark-trace screen tube; dark-trace tube; 暗迹屏 dark-trace screen
暗: Ⅰ形容词1.(光线不足; 黑暗; 暗淡) dark; dim; dull 短语和例子暗绿 dark green; 暗紫色 dull purple; 灯光很暗。 the light is rather dim. 天色渐暗。 it's getting dark.2.(不显露的; 秘密的) hidden; secret 短语和例子明人不做暗事。 a person who is a
暗迹阴极射线管: dark trace cathode-ray tubedark trace tube