divine intervention rettung f.aller lebewesen/befreiung f.der seele vom elend
Example Sentences:
You will be free from rebirth , and you can save other living creatures 你会从轮回中解脱出来,还能普渡众生。
Lin fa kung temple was built in 1864 and was dedicated to kwun yam , the goddess of mercy , who rescued creatures from their suffering 建于1864年,奉祀慈悲为怀、普渡众生的观音菩萨。
And it was from the gifts towed upon him towards the execution of this benevolent purpose , that he recruited his finances , as just now observed 他的经济收入正是从这种普渡众生的行为所得到的谢礼。这我们刚才已经说过了。
Ostensibly revolving around a drug dealer as he criss - crosses around town meeting clients , the budapest portrayed here is an apocalyptic cesspool of humanity 毒竟克毒。黯沉沉的城市已百毒入侵,只能靠毒贩的慈悲普渡众生。
For the artist , the best way to " self - salvation " is to " save the masses " , and therefore , only by liberating " the other " can one liberate oneself 对于艺术家来说, “自我拯救”的最佳途径本来就是“普渡众生” ,因为只有解放“他者”才能最后解放自己。
According to the ideals of confucianism , the pursuit of spiritual practice is meant to first perfect the individual , then one s family , one s country and finally the world 儒家修行的理想是先修身,然后家治国,最后才平天下。佛教也强调要普渡众生。
Their signboards vegetables : 18 luohans , king kong huofang , tsuen wan vegetables , luohan vegetables , wishful zibao , purdue beings , ginkgo aloes , benediction , such as tofu 其招牌菜有:十八罗汉、金刚火方、天竺素斋、罗汉素斋、如意紫鲍、普渡众生、白果芦荟、功德豆腐等。
The hall , houses a statue of the guan yin , is the goddess s home . it is said that the goddess is the kindest among all buddhist deities . she protects people from suffering and disaster 此宫供奉的是观音大使,亦是观音的居所。相传观音普渡众生,救苦救难,为佛教众神之中最慈祥的一位。
In order to deliver sentient beings from the bitter sea of physical existence , you have willingly forsaken everything . to liberate sentient beings sooner , you even have to bear sufferings , enormous pressure and malicious slander that have never been experienced by other masters throughout history 为了解救众生出苦海,您甘愿放弃一切,为了更快地普渡众生,您甚至要承受有史以来的明师都不曾遭遇的痛苦压力和诽谤,末法时代的明师真难啊!