| 1. | Presley was stunned, bewildered . 普瑞斯莱给弄得目瞪口呆,不知所措。 |
| 2. | Old mrs. blenkinsop dropped a curtsey . 老布伦金索普太太行了屈膝礼。 |
| 3. | I don't put much faith in mister thompson . 我不那么相信汤普森先生。 |
| 4. | Hopkins sent me the earliest intimation . 霍普金斯最先将情况通知我。 |
| 5. | There they were, all the birds in the world . 普天之下的飞禽都来了。 |
| 6. | Lotte lippman's hair had come undone . 洛蒂李普曼的头发已经蓬乱了。 |
| 7. | "i'll turn him back," said presley . “我来叫他回去吧,”普瑞斯莱说。 |
| 8. | The pulitzer is for the birds . 普利策奖是发给那些乳臭未干的小崽子的。 |
| 9. | "i have no appetite," primitivo said . “我吃不下去,”普里米蒂沃说。 |
| 10. | "you don't know that?" cried quilp . “你不知道这回事?”奎尔普叫道。 |