| 1. | On economic modernization of shandong in late qing dynasty 论晚清山东经济现代化 |
| 2. | The rise and decline of sinology in late qing dynasty 略论晚清汉学的兴衰与变化 |
| 3. | An aesthetic study of fictions in the late qing dynasty 晚清小说美学意义上的探讨 |
| 4. | On the reform of constitutionalism in late qing dynasty 论晚清立宪派的改革活动 |
| 5. | Nationalism and the collapse of the late qing dynasty 民族主义与晚清政府的衰亡 |
| 6. | Education reform on hubei and hunan in later qing dynasty 晚清两湖地区的教育改革 |
| 7. | Zhang jian and the social vicissitude of the late qing dynasty 张謇与晚清社会变迁 |
| 8. | The evolution of the ideas about the ruleby law in late qing 晚清法治观念演变探源 |
| 9. | On late qing dynasty ' s policy for church orphanage 晚清政府的教会育婴政策述论 |
| 10. | The beijing tongwenguan and translation in the late qing 京师同文馆与晚清翻译事业 |