| 1. | The bbc evening bulletin was glum and vague . 英国广播公司晚上的广播是抑郁的,含糊的。 |
| 2. | She decided to postpone the conversation for that evening . 她决定把当天晚上的谈话搁一搁。 |
| 3. | It fell to me to make the important speech of the evening . 那天晚上的重要演说要由我来发表。 |
| 4. | Each morning he gloomily recognized his idiocies of the evening before . 他每天早晨沮丧地认识到昨天晚上的荒唐。 |
| 5. | Carol had given creative energy to dress for the event . 为了参加今天晚上的盛会,卡萝尔煞费苦心地自己打扮一番。 |
| 6. | The pleasure of the evening quite extinguished my fear of the last night . 今天晚上的欢乐已经把我昨夜的恐惧驱除无余。 |
| 7. | The collection of his confession of the night before was a cause of acute pain to him . 他回忆起前天晚上的忏悔,不觉心如刀割 |
| 8. | It is a lovely night, and why should we not prolong our ride a little ? 今天晚上的夜很可爱,咱们为什么不骑马在外面多留连一会儿呢? |
| 9. | I suppose your illusions of last night must have given away a bit before the morning light . 我想在晨光照耀下,你们昨天晚上的幻觉一定已经消失了一些了。 |
| 10. | The sun went down almost blood-red that night and a livid cloud received its rays in the east . 那天晚上的落日,几乎是血红的,夕阳的余晖斜照着东方的铅灰色的云层。 |