The very shiftlessness of the household rendered the misfortune a less terrifying one to them than it would have been to a striving family . 他们一家人,原来就都是昏聩无能,苟且偷生,所以这种不幸,在他们看来,反道没有家道兴旺的人家看来那样可怕。
He may belong to senile residents who stray from home 他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
She , poor innocent creature , is left to be victimised by an old man , who has outlived his wits “她这个可怜的无罪的女人,只有忍受昏聩的老年人的折磨吧。
A small , dim , crooked shop , kept in a tortuous , up - hill thoroughfares , by a small , dim , crooked man 药店老板正在关门,那是在一条弯曲的上坡路边由一个不老实的昏聩的小个子开的一个不老实的昏暗的小店。
Some reason is that an englishman herd , the general customs commissioner at that moment is in inescapable responsibility , while britain and france ' s scramble for china ' s postal power and the qing government ' s decrepit are also the important reasons 个中原因,时任海关总税务司的英国人赫德起着不可推卸的责任,而英法两国对中国邮权的争夺和清政府的昏聩无知也是其中的重要原因。
My dog who was now grown very old and crazy , and had found no species to multiply his kind upon , sat always at my right hand , and two cats , one on one side the table , and one on the other , expecting now and then a bit from my hand , as a mark of special favour 我的狗现在已又老又昏聩了,它总是坐在我右手而那两只猫则各坐一边,不时地希望从我手里得到一点赏赐,并把此视为一种特殊的恩宠。
It was so utterly impossible that even if some insane commander were to give orders for a battle , all that would follow would be a muddle , and no battle would be fought . there would be no battle , because all the officers in command , not merely recognised the position to be impossible , but were only engaged now in discussing what was to be done after the inevitable abandonment of that position . how could officers lead their men to a field of battle which they considered it impossible to hold 从这些人的所有谈话中,库图佐夫看到一点:保卫莫斯科是没有任何兵力上的可能性的,照其意义充分讲来就是如此,即是说,其不可能的程度很大,假如哪个昏聩的总司令下达了作战命令,也只会出现一场混乱,而战斗仍不会发生不会发生,是因为高级军官不仅承认据守之不可能,而且在谈话中只讨论无疑要放弃这场防守战之后的事态。