[ míngzhīgùfàn ] commit a crime [mistake] purposely [on purpose; knowingly; wilfully; deliberately]; break a law purposely; commit an offense knowingly; commit an error deliberately; intentionally; deliberately break [flout] the law; do sth. one knows is wrong; do sth. that one knows one should not do; knowingly and wilfully break the law; transgress wilfully; violate [offend] it knowingly; presumptuous crime; wilful offense
What i did was unintentional but i'm in agreement with my punishment . 我虽不是明知故犯,但我情愿接受处分。
His errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery 他是明知故犯,那是认识之门。 ”
It ' s a deliberate mistake . i got a good computer graphics 那是明知故犯我有个很棒的电脑图片
Containing or implying calumny ; slanderous or defamatory 栽赃的含有或隐含有明知故犯嫌疑的;诽谤或中伤的
Ethical misconducts in science constitute serious crimes against individuals as well as against society 科学道德规范中的明知故犯不仅对个人,而且对社会构成严重的犯罪。
Therefore , to avoid a vacuous academic talk , ethical misconduct cannot be treated with vague academic parlance 因此,为了避免空洞的学术性议论,对科学道德规范中的明知故犯不能用含糊不清的学术议论进行对待。
If an employer knowingly keeps or hires an undocumented immigrant he may face a fine of up to $ 12 , 500 and a felony prosecution 如果雇主明知故犯,留下或雇佣未登记的移民,他可能面临高达12500美元的罚款和重罪起诉。
Because if you keep continuing to do the same thing again and again , and you know its wrong but you continue to do it , later you wont be able to change anymore ! it becomes a pattern , and you automatically react 因为我们如果一再犯同样的错误,而且明知故犯的话,以后就改不掉了,会变成一种行为模式,遇到情况就自动反应出来。
Second , " 201 clause " " is a kind of trade strategy that is on base of injuring other countries benefits and america also know this fact well but america government still put it into effect on march 20 , 2002 其次,美国的201钢铁保障措施是一种以邻为壑的外贸政策,它必然会遭到其他国家的报复,美国也明明知道这个事实,但美国却“一意孤行,明知故犯” 。