| 1. | I do not see the recent trends as being significant and doubt the major , secular trends will change 我看不出最近有什么明显趋势而导致主要长期趋势改变。 |
| 2. | The test indicated that there is a weak increasing trend in winter time series , but no apparent trend in other time series 除了冬季降水有一个弱的上升趋势,其他序列无明显趋势。 |
| 3. | In order to prevent directors " abusing their power from damaging the interests of company and shareholders , the duties and responsibility of directors should be strengthened 为了防止董事的滥权行为损害公司及股东的利益,强化董事的义务与责任是现代各国公司法发展的一个明显趋势。 |
| 4. | A term of referring to the noticeable trend in the 1970s and 1980s for substantially increasing numbers of adult americans from ages 25 and up to 70 or older to attend higher educational institutions as students 指在70和80年代,年龄在25到70岁以上的美国成年人进入高校学习,数量不断增加的这种明显趋势。 |
| 5. | 18 . largely against the background of financial crises in the 1990s , in which the choice of exchange rate regime has been a prominent issue , there has been a clear trend in thinking on what constitutes an effective and credible choice 18 . 90年代发生的金融危机,充分证明选取适当的汇率制度的重要性,其中的明显趋势更倾向探讨有效及可靠的汇率制度所需具备的条件。 |
| 6. | We note all complaints we receive and where complaint trends are evident , we shall bring these trends to the attention of the operator concerned , recommend changes on its policies or procedures and consider regulatory action if appropriate 我们留意所有投诉个案,当发现某类投诉有明显趋势时,便促请有关营办商关注,建议他们更改政策或程序,并会考虑采取适当的规管行动。 |
| 7. | This increasing role of women in the scientific subculture is not an unique incident but , rather , part of the trend evident in all segments of society as more women enter traditionally male - dominated fields and make significant contribution 女性的作用在科学界亚文化行为模式中日益增长,这不是一个个别的现象;更恰当地说,随着更多的女性进入传统上男性主导的领域并作出重要贡献,这是在社会所有环节中一种明显趋势的一部分。 |
| 8. | With the development of the state owned enterprise ( soe ) towards market - orientation and internationalization , especially after china ' s entry into wto , human resources has become the core of competition among the enterprises . at present many excellent employees of soe have outflowed to the foreign - invested companies and private enterprises , which is an obvious tendency of the competition of human resources . the reason is that the reasonable and effective impelling systems adopted by the private enterprises and foreign - invested companies are attractive to many talent 我国目前由于大批民营企业和外资企业的涌现,特别是跨国公司的大举进入,人才竞争呈现一种明显趋势?国企优秀员工纷纷流向外企和民企,原因就是民营企业和外资企业先进、科学和灵活管理方法,特别是合理有效的激励机制,对人才产生强大的吸引力,从而使分配上还存在大锅饭、平均主义等计划经济色彩的国企在这场竞争中败下阵来。 |