| 1. | It is undoubtedly she who has said that . 这话明明是她说的。 |
| 2. | He was evidently sincere . 他明明是死心塌地的。 |
| 3. | It was apparently tactless, and yet it was anything but tactless . 这明明是不老练,但又决不是不老练。 |
| 4. | And his marvelous sun was waning apparently to a black eclipse . 而他的光辉夺目的太阳明明是在黑暗的晦蚀中消损。 |
| 5. | My uncle had sent me here, certainly to run great risks, perhaps to die . 我伯伯把我送到这种地方来,明明是要我冒极大的危险,说不定要我送掉性命。 |
| 6. | Carol studied the woman. she was imitative as a glass diamond . 卡罗尔仔细打量一下眼前这个女人,她简直虚假透顶,明明是一块玻璃,硬要冒充一颗钻石。 |
| 7. | Even the dullest of the chivalry perceived that this was a plain case of "put up or shut up. " 就连那些感觉最迟钝的骑士,都瞧出这回明明是得“拿出真凭实据,否则免开尊口了”。 |
| 8. | With the perversity of a desdemona she had not affected a proposed match that was clearly suitable and according to nature . 她象苔线狄梦娜一样刚愎任性,对一门明明是天作之合的美满婚姻置之不顾。 |
| 9. | In men like william byrd and mather byles there was evidently the typical provincial yearning for london and all its glories . 象威廉伯德和马瑟拜尔斯等,明明是典型的本地人,却渴望伦敦及其一切繁华。 |
| 10. | I felt an air of warmth when i entered the room 我很纳闷,明明是80和81号呀。 |