| 1. | Guangzhou morning star electrical lighitng product ltd 广州市明成电子灯饰制品有限公司 |
| 2. | Lt ' s klm hui - jung , isn ' t it 明成高的金慧帧,对吧? |
| 3. | Lt ' s klm hui - jung , isn ' t it 明成高的金慧帧,对吧? |
| 4. | In the fourth act zheng he returned with xiyang emperor and was awarded by ming emperor 第四折写郑和携同西洋国王等返回京城,接受明成祖的封赏。 |
| 5. | There are different opinions on transferring the capital by ancestor cheng of ming dynasty , for which we can not tell right from wrong 摘要关于明成祖迁都的问题,历史上议论纷繁,莫衷一是。 |
| 6. | In service to ming emperor zhu di , zheng ' s treasure fleet conducted widespread trade and diplomacy throughout the indian ocean 郑和效忠明成祖朱棣,率领“宝船”船队在整个印度洋地区进行贸易与外交。 |
| 7. | In china . rebuilt on the ruins of the original jiangnan examination school , it has becme a unique humannity display in the area of the qinhuai sights 年,明太祖朱元璋定都南京后,集乡试会试于南京举行。明成祖永乐十九年 |
| 8. | In 1471 , han yong , governor of guangdong & guangxi , cast iron pillars for the building of a floating bridge over the guijiang river 明成化七年( 1471年) ,两广总督韩雍和太监陈平等筹建浮桥用生铁铸造浮桥铁柱,竖在桂江口两边岸上。 |
| 9. | After several years collecting alms , in chenghua period , ming dynasty , holy spring buddhism guanyin temple was repaired well by the disciple of bitian , chengguang 经多年募化,明成化年间,由碧天大和尚的弟子定澄禅师主持,圣泉山观音寺得以重修。 |
| 10. | The envoys to these areas , while back from their missions , reported chen ' s blockage of traffic and conveyed local kings ' desire to pay tribute to the chinese emperor 明成祖“嘉其忠诚” ,准其所请,故命郑和率领数万军队下西洋,是为郑和下西洋的动因。 |