To be absent for consecutive three days without justifiable grounds or be absent for six days in a month 无正常理由连续旷三日或一个月内旷职达六日者。
Being absent from duty for three ( 3 ) or more consecutive days or six ( 6 ) days in a month without justification 无正当理由连续旷职三日以上或一个月内达六天者。
Absenteeism as a result of psychological illnesses have doubled in germany since 1990 , according to stangier 在德国,因为心理疾病所导致的旷职情形,自一九九年以来已增加了一倍,史丹吉尔指出。
Nowadays because of untracked foreign worker rapidly increased , decreasing the number of untracked foreign worker , encourage people or foreigner ( not including illegal foreigner ) to turn in foreigner who breaking law number 73rd statement 3 regulated illegal foreigner ( missing from job for 3 days ) , according to case , every case bonus nt $ 5000 鉴于外劳行踪不明日益严重,为提高民众检举意愿及有效吓阻外劳发生行踪不明情事,进以达到减少行踪不明外劳人数,特修正提高民众或外国人(不含非法外国人)检举外国人违反本法第73条第3款前段规定情事(连续旷职3日失去联系)之非法外国人者,依案件每案核发新台币5000之奖励金。