| 1. | Some remarks on the research of the very early universe 极早期宇宙的研究中若干问题浅析 |
| 2. | Before that time , a haze of neutral hydrogen gas shrouded these first beacons in the infant cosmos 再往前推进,则是一团团中性氢气所形成的薄雾,包裹著早期宇宙中第一批诞生的恒星。 |
| 3. | Such waves would be coming from the early universe , which we don ' t know much about , so we can ' t predict the amplitudes well 这些波来自我们尚不太了解的早期宇宙,因此还不能很好的预测其振幅。 |
| 4. | Thus , we can conceive of the early universe as a pile of overlapping grapefruits that stretches infinitely in all directions 因此,我们可以把早期宇宙想成是水果摊上一堆往各个方向无穷延伸的葡萄柚。 |
| 5. | This research bears on some of the most basic questions in astronomy : how did the dark early universe come to light up with billions of stars 这项研究涉及了一些天文学上的基本问题:数百万颗恒星,是如何点亮那晦暗不明的早期宇宙? |
| 6. | Detecting a magnetic field surrounding an earth - like exoplanet would prove a promising sign for finding extraterrestrial life 此外,使射电望远镜远离地球上用于通信的短波长无线电波的喧扰,可以让天体物理学家们以前所未有的细致度观测早期宇宙。 |
| 7. | Knowing how this came about by looking even further back would allow cosmologists to decide which of their theories of the early universe were correct 通过观察更为久远的事件,了解形成这一状态的原因,可以协助宇宙学家们判断哪种关于早期宇宙的理论是正确的。 |
| 8. | Most models that tried to explain the origins of globular clusters focused on conditions in the early universe and assumed that the process was a thing of the past 大部份试图要解释球状星团起源的模型,都把焦点放在早期宇宙的条件,并假设此创生过程已经成为过去了。 |
| 9. | According to the big bang theory , the early universe was filled with hot plasma ? a cauldron of protons , electrons and photons , with a smattering of other particles 根据大霹雳学说,早期宇宙充斥著高热电浆,就像一大锅由质子、电子、光子与少数其他粒子所构成的宇宙汤。 |
| 10. | We currently have a coherent model that tracks the growth of subtle density fluctuations laid down in the early universe to the present richness of the night sky 现在我们拥有一致的理论模型,能够描述早期宇宙密度的细微起伏,一路上是如何成长,而成为现在夜空中的丰富结构。 |