time flies like a shuttle.; days and months flash by quickly as a weaver's shuttle.; days and months fly like a shuttle.; days and months go as quickly as a shuttle.; sunlight and moonlight follow each other like flowing water.; time passes quickly.; time flies like an arrow
Example Sentences:
Light and shade come in swift alternation ; days and months flash by as quickly as a weaver 's shuttle. ; light travels like an arrow , and time like a shuttle . 日月如梭。
The days come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant friendly party, but they say nothing . 日月如梭,宛如远方友人差来的使者,蒙着头巾,戴着面纱,一声不吭。
Since its establishment , senyuan furniture factory has always been engaging in design and production of furniture in accordance with fine combination of moden design originality and traditional aesthetics 沧海横流,方显英雄本色;日月如梭,诉说岁月沧桑。森缘家具厂自创业以来,一直致力于家具设计、制造。并将现代设计理念和传统美学相融合,用高科技手法营造出绝世精品。