In canada , it is easy to register a business name especially partnership or sole - ownership business 公司注册在加拿大要求较为简单,尤其是无限公司注册。
They are all large - size and model companies taken as models , but not include companies which are unlimited liability and limited partnerships , because these are obvious differences on ideas of governance between the two kinds of companies . the former is based on the governing structure of legal person , adapts to modernization mass - production . but the latter is a kind of enterprise form based on human credit and reputation and it is identical to simple family and single house labor 另外还需特别指出的一点是,本文选择研究的公司是以现代股份有限公司为蓝本的大型规范公司,而不包括规模较小的无限公司和两合公司,因为这两类公司的治理理念是有显著差异的,前者以法人治理结构为基础,是与现代化大生产相适应的,而后者以人的结合为基础,是与简单的家族、家庭生产相一致的企业型态,它强调的是灵活与高效原则。