| 1. | Despite much encouragement he refused to jump . 无论怎么鼓励他,他也不跳。 |
| 2. | No amount of scrubbing helped . 无论怎么刷都洗不掉。 |
| 3. | We cannot be too careful . 无论怎么小心也不算太过。 |
| 4. | In her home anyway, she had shelter and food . 无论怎么说,在家里她有安顿之处,有吃的。 |
| 5. | A description of her figure and her walking would have won her any praise . 对她的体形和走路姿式无论怎么夸奖也不过分。 |
| 6. | In any event, only one question was ever put to me by the nixon organization . 无论怎么说,尼克松的班子只向我提出过一个问题。 |
| 7. | No amount of encouragement would make him jump , i.e. despite much encouragement he refused to jump . 无论怎么鼓励他,他也不跳。 |
| 8. | She became quite dejected, disheartened from all further effort on her own part whatever . 她十分抑郁,十分灰心,无论怎么也不想自己再往上努力了。 |
| 9. | Bertha, who knew that no argument could turn him from his purpose, determined to coach him . 伯莎明知无论怎么争辩也无法叫他回心转意,便决定给他以指导。 |
| 10. | Dad , please . this is disturbing on so many levels 爸爸,够了,无论怎么看都别扭 |