| 1. | There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it . 世上富源如鱼虾,日日取用无尽期。 |
| 2. | Then there was only the soft night wind and the timeless sea . 这时,只留下柔和的晚风和无尽的大海。 |
| 3. | For twenty years he wrote with seemingly inexhaustible energy . 二十年来,他似乎有无尽的精力从事写作。 |
| 4. | The glorious forms of the unending world stirred within my animated soul . 这无尽世界的灿烂形状在我激动的灵魂里跳跃。 |
| 5. | To me the pageant of seasons is a thrilling and unending drama . 在我看来,一年四季的绚丽景色犹如一出无尽的动人的戏剧。 |
| 6. | From five o'clock to eight is on certain occasions a little eternity . 从五点到八点这段短短的时间,有时仿佛永无尽头似的。 |
| 7. | Now he made himself believe he was racing down an endless staircase . 这一回,他使自己相信他正在朝一条无尽头楼梯下面跑着。 |
| 8. | Theoretically the absence of damping results in an infinite response at resonance . 在理论上,无阻尼时将引起无尽的谐振响应。 |
| 9. | Not a splendid show, but there was a great deal of love done up in the few little bundles . 这些小包包看上去并不很显眼,但里面却包藏着无尽的爱。 |
| 10. | Its route seemed interminable, through the low, brick, suburban, populous houses . 路程好象是漫无尽头似的,沿途经过了不少住得拥挤不堪的郊区砖砌矮房子。 |