It is like a semaphore signal waving before the eyes of the particle physicists . 它好象是在粒子物理学家眼前挥动的旗语信号。
Congress was asked to provide funding for a semaphore system running from nyc to new orleans 议会被要求为工作于纽约和新奥尔良之间的旗语系统提供基金。
Samuel morse , it is said , advised against funding of this system because of his work on developing the electric telegraph 据说,塞缪尔.摩尔斯反对为旗语系统建立基金,因为他正在从事开发电报系统。
To that end , the threading module provides a number of synchronization primitives including locks , events , condition variables , and semaphores 最终,线程模块提供了几个基本的同步方式如锁、事件,条件变量和旗语。
She cast anchor , clued up sails , and on the deck was captain gaumard giving orders , and good old penelon making signals to m . morrel 它抛了锚,收了所有的帆,甲板上是茄马特船长在那儿发号施令,而佩尼隆正在向莫雷尔先生打旗语。
Main characteristics include object - oriented language core , interfaces between vera core and hdl implemented by interface definition and port variables , complex concurrency control implemented by programming construction ( fork / join ) and data structures ( event , mailbox and semaphore , etc ) . all these help vera successfully model hardware properties 主要的特点是:面向对象的语言内核;通过界面定义和端口变量等实现了vera语言内核和硬件描述语言的接口;通过编程结构fork join和数据结构(事件、邮箱和旗语)来实现复杂的并行控制,实现对硬件特点的模拟。