| 1. | Lushun is billed as the throat of the bohai sea 旅顺口是渤海的“咽喉地带” 。 |
| 2. | Khrushchev and return of l 252 ; shunkou 赫鲁晓夫与旅顺口的回归 |
| 3. | Fitment project of the government office building in lvshunkou district 旅顺口区政府办公楼装修工程 |
| 4. | The ancient indian buddhist sculptures housed in the museum of lushun 旅顺博物馆藏印度古代佛教造像品 |
| 5. | Conception of protection and recycle for modern architecture heritage 以旅顺太阳沟历史风貌区保护为例 |
| 6. | Changcheng town , lushun district 大连旅顺长城工业区116049 |
| 7. | The 4810 " s dss has already completed according to the above theory 根据上述理论开发的旅顺4810工厂估价决策支持系统已经基本完成。 |
| 8. | This local supervision & control system has succeeded in tryout in the factory of dongfang electric device of lushun city 该系统已在旅顺东方电器设备厂试用成功。 |
| 9. | Dalian sifang motor - pump co . , ltd . is situated in dalian city , lushun economic - development zone 大连四方电泵有限公司座落于辽宁省大连市旅顺经济开发区,是大连市高新技术企业。 |