[ zhān ] Ⅰ名词 1.[书面语] (纯赤色的曲柄旗) red flag with bent pole 2.(毡子) felt 3.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 旃宏 zhan hongⅡ助词 [书面语] (“之焉”的合音) used in exclamation or command 短语和例子 尚慎旃哉! be careful
The first buddhist cave monuments at ajanta date from the 2nd and 1st centuries b . c 阿旃陀最初的佛教石窟始建于公元前2至公元前1世纪。
Chun - yu kun lived more than 100 years before you meng ; the latter more than 200 years before you zhan 淳于髡生活于优孟出生的一百多年以前,而优孟生活于优旃出生的两百多年前。
The paintings and sculptures of ajanta , considered masterpieces of buddhist religious art , have had a considerable artistic influence 阿旃陀石窟的绘画和雕塑,是佛教艺术的经典之作,具有相当重要的艺术影响力。
Shi - ji huaji liezhuan narrated episodes of three huaji - ists ? chun - yu kun , you meng and you zhan from the spring - autumn and warring states periods ( 722 - 221b . c . ) and qin dynasty ( 221 - 205bc ) 《史记?滑稽列传》叙述了春秋战国时期三个滑稽人物即淳于髡、优孟、优旃的有趣故事。
Nothing could ersuade me to return to the kind of life kelsey used to advocate and i once enjoyed : 12 - hour working days , pressured deadlines , the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on " quality time " 什么也说服不了我回到过去那种凯茜所宣扬的、我也曾自得其乐的生活中去:每天12小时的工作日,压得人喘不过气来的? 1514475046笃谙蓿?膳露?粽诺陌旃?业恼? ?夺利,以及因为时间有限连做母亲也得“高效率”所造成的种种限制。
There are one district , 2 municipalities and 14 countiesunderitsjurisdiction . it covers an are a of 20 , 510 square kilometers with a populationof , 955 , 700 . linfen lies in semi - arid and semi - humid temperate continental monsoon climatezone . the annual average temperature is 8 . 1 - 12 . 1 . the precipitation here is 453 . 9 - 688 . 4mm , with annual frost - free period of 125 - 191 days . the favourable climate creates quite advantageous conditions for the agricultural production . main gricultural products are grain and cotton and various industrial crops . the resources of agricultural byproducts are abundant , especially in the central linfen basin , known as the fertile land and the hometown of cotton and wheat 农业以粮棉和多种经济作物为主,农副产品资源丰富,特别是中部临汾盆地,土质肥沃,气候温和,物产丰富,素称“膏腴之地”和“棉麦之乡” ,是山西省棉麦生产基地之一,主产小麦棉花玉米豆子红薯西瓜等,山区县盛产红枣核桃还旃