Andy felt being introduced as a comedian put pressure on the audience to laugh 安迪被介绍为喜剧演员,有施压于听众而笑的感觉。
The clinical history revealed repetitive pressure on her thighs during the work 临床病史显示病人因工作时紧靠机器而造成重覆施压于大腿。
This farrowing combination allows the wide players to double up on the defending side 这种拉线的结合使得两边的球员会双倍地施压于防守一方。
Using your thumb and palm ( use appro . 20 kgs strength ) to press it evenly on the product for about 60 sec . and wait until all glue stay on the wall surface 以拇指及手掌平均用力(约20公斤的力量)施压于产品背座60秒以上,务必使胶条完全附著于强面,再将产品上盖挂上。