坯: 名词1.(未经烧制的砖、瓦、瓷等的制品) base 短语和例子景泰蓝花瓶的铜坯 copper base for a cloisonné flower vase; 砖坯 unfired brick2.(土坯) unburnt brick; earthen brick; adobe 短语和例子脱坯 mould adobe blocks3.[方言] (半成品) blank; se
随: Ⅰ动词1.(跟; 跟随) follow 短语和例子入乡随俗。 when in rome do as the romans do. 随我来。 follow me.; come along with me. 他随我们上了楼。 he followed us up the stairs. 他曾经随文化代表团到中国来过一次。 he was once on a cultural del