Ⅰ名词 1.(方形; 方体) square 短语和例子 正方 squart; 长方 rectangle2.[数学] (乘方) involution; power 短语和例子 平方 square; 方方 cube; 2 的 3次方是 8。 the cube of 2 is 8. 2 的 4次方是16。the fourth power of 2 is 16.3.(方向) direction 短语和例子 四面八方 in all directions; 天各一方 (of a family or friends) separated far awqy; live far apart from each other; 东方 the east; 前方 the front4.(方面) side; party:双方 both sides [parties]; 对方 the other party; the opposite side; 我方 our side 5.(地方) place; region; locality 短语和例子 远方 a remote place; 方音 local accent6.(方法) method; way 短语和例子 教导有方 exercise good teaching; 千方百计 by all kinds of methods; in a hundred and one ways; 多方 in various ways7.(方子) prescription 短语和例子 验方 proved recipe; 偏方儿 folk prescription; 处方 make out a prescription8.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 方以智 fang yizhiⅡ形容词 1.(方的) square 短语和例子 方塔 a square tower; 方括号 a square bracket; 方桌 a square table; 两米见方 two metres square2.(正直) upright; honest; fair-minded 短语和例子 品行方正 have an upright character; 外圆内方 smooth on the surface, firm at heartⅢ副词 1.(正在; 正当) just; just then; at the time when 短语和例子 来日方长 there will be a time for that; 方今 at present; nowadays2.(方才) just now 短语和例子 如梦方醒 as if just awakening from a dream; 年方 18 be just eighteen years oldⅣ量词 1.(用于方形物) 短语和例子 一方手帕 a handkerchief2.(平方或立方的简称) 短语和例子 土石方 cubic metres of earth or stone work; 一方木材 a cubic metre of lumber; 铺地板十方 lay 10 square metres of wooden floor
Example Sentences:
These methods cannot be applied universally . 这些方法并非万应灵方。
We will draw on you for the expenses . 我们将开出汇票向你方索取费用。
Is he known in these parts ? 咱们这方近左右的人,认识他不认识他呢?
These factories are run by the local authorities . 这些厂属地方领导。
The square matrix is called a diagonal matrix . 该方矩阵称为对角矩阵。
I am tied up in a meeting until 3 p.m. . 我开会直到下午三点钟方可脱身。
Open squares and soak in tepid water . 打开方纱布,泡入温水中。
The shadow of the obelisk spanned the terrance . 方尖塔的影子落在平台上。
Perhaps you have made a mistake in your calculations . 你方可能计算有误。
I feel suffocated if i do n't speak out . 骨鲠在喉,一吐方快。