| 1. | The lion was a monster sphinx which was astray like them in that gulf of darkness . 这只狮子是个丑怪的斯芬克斯,跟他们一样迷失在这黑暗的深渊里。 |
| 2. | The sphinx was so mortified at the solving of her riddle that she cast herself down from the rock and perished . 斯芬克斯见到有人破了它的谜语,痛苦万分,纵身跳下岩石摔死了。 |
| 3. | The anorosphinx is a proxy , an agent of that power 这个雄性的斯芬克斯是神的代理人。 |
| 4. | You are afraid of me , because i talk like a sphynx “你害怕我,因为我交谈起来像斯芬克斯。 ” |
| 5. | Okay , look . whatever . i ' m through with being mr . softy 好吧,随你怎么说我和斯芬惕先生在一起 |
| 6. | What a strange post looks like a sphinx in egypt 一个前所未有的姿态看上去就像埃及的斯芬克斯。 |
| 7. | Did the sphinx give oedipus a clue ? 斯芬克斯给俄底浦斯提示了吗 |
| 8. | Did the sphinx give oedipus a clue 斯芬克斯给俄底浦斯提示了吗 |
| 9. | Did the sphinx give oedipus a clue 斯芬克斯给俄底浦斯提示了吗 |
| 10. | Nearby is the great sphinx statue , with a man ' s face and a lion ' s body 金字塔一旁是狮身人面的斯芬克司雕像。 |