[ wénzé ] the responsibility an author should assume for his own writings; author's responsibility
Example Sentences:
Is irving so much to blame in judging his history a dead end, when it was only a false start ? 《纽约外史》只是个错误的起点。如果把这本书说成一条死胡同,那也未免对欧文责之过严了。
Is irving so much to blame in judging his history a dead end, when it was only a false start ? 他的“历史”只是个错误的起点。如果把这本书说成一条死胡同,那也未免对欧文责之过严了。
The author of any messages and comments posted on this forum will be held responsible for what they posted on the forum 所有在论坛登载的文章及言论并不代表注册局立场,作者须自负文责。
This is without obligation on my part , though i am fully convinced that you will find my information borne out by the fact 本人所说均为依据事实的直言,可证明确有其事,但对文责方面,本人实在无法负责,敬请原谅为荷。
This is without obligation on my part , though i am fully convinced that you will find my imformation borne out by the fact 本人所说均为依据事实的直言,可证明确有其事,但对文责方面,本人实在无法负责,敬请原谅为荷。
Dr robert ting - yiu chung , director of pop , is responsible for everything posted herewith , except for column articles which represent the stand of their authors 专栏文章的文责由作者自负,其馀内容则由民研计划主任锺庭耀博士负责。
Dr robert ting - yiu chung , director of public opinion programme , is responsible for everything posted herewith , except for column articles which represent the stand of their authors 专栏文章的文责由作者自负,其馀内容则由民意研究计划主任锺庭耀博士负责。