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English translation for "文字标记"

literal symbols

Related Translations:
文字校对:  text-proofing
文字内容:  literal content
超级文字:  text matrix
布尔文字:  boolean literal
文字附注:  text note
文字格式:  charsetrich texttext format
空中文字:  skywriting
图文字:  d photos and pictures show
新文字:  uly
文字争论:  wordplay
Example Sentences:
1.Html hypertext markup language
2.Browsers are software programs residing on your computer that translate hyper text markup language html coded pages into a viewable document
3.This brief article describes technology that facilitates the extraction of information from traditional html web pages and motivates the need for such technologies
4.A number of animation schemes to view presentations saved in hypertext markup language html that take advantage of these new animation features , you must have microsoft internet explorer 5 . 0 or later and have office animation runtime installed
您必须有microsoft internet explorer 5 . 0或更新版本,并且安装office animation runtime ,才能检视以超文字标记语言hypertext markup language , html格式储存且充分利用这些新动画功能的简报。
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