| 1. | Describes how to remove a file type association 描述如何移除文件类型关联。 |
| 2. | To change the file type association , see 若要更改文件类型关联,请参见 |
| 3. | Gets the set of verbs associated with the type of file specified by the 属性指定的文件类型关联的一组谓词。 |
| 4. | How to : add file type association with team foundation source control 如何:添加team foundation源代码管理中的文件类型关联 |
| 5. | How to : edit file type association with team foundation source control 如何:使用team foundation源代码管理编辑文件类型关联 |
| 6. | How to : remove a file type associated with team foundation source control 如何:移除team foundation源代码管理中的文件类型关联 |
| 7. | Describes how to edit a file type association to customize how the source control system processes files with specific extensions 描述如何编辑文件类型关联,以自定义源代码管理系统处理具有特定扩展名的文件的方式。 |
| 8. | Each project template also determines which tools and designers are associated with a file type as well as the commands available for item management 每个项目模板还确定哪些工具和设计器与某个文件类型关联以及可用于项管理的命令。 |
| 9. | The xml editor is also associated with any other file type that has no specific editor registered , and that contains xml or dtd content Vssettings 。 “ xml编辑器”还与任何其他没有注册特定编辑器并且包含xml或dtd内容的文件类型关联。 |
| 10. | Contains administration information on configuring source control in visual studio , file type association , check - in policy configuration , and check - out settings 包含在visual studio 、文件类型关联、签入策略配置和签出设置中配置源代码管理的管理信息。 |