| 1. | Men of letters mostly have a kind of love knot 摘要古代文人墨客,大都有一种“月亮情结” 。 |
| 2. | Many poets and scholars have written a lot of poems and articles to describe the beauty of natural scenery 无数的文人墨客,写了大量的诗文来描绘美丽的自然景观。 |
| 3. | With a drop of 197 meters , dalong qiu , the big dragon waterfall is said to be the highest waterfall in china 落差197米,为中国瀑布之最,有“天下第一瀑”之誉。历代文人墨客,无不为之倾倒。 |
| 4. | Ancient chinese poets and painters were keen on " song tao zhu lai " , the whistling sounds of wind blowing through pines and bamboo groves 中国古时候的文人墨客讲究听“松涛竹籁” ,也就是风吹松林和竹林发出的声音。 |
| 5. | Writers cannot bear the fact that poet john keats died at 26 , and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year 文人墨客们无法接受约翰.济慈英年早逝这一事实,他们半戏言道自己在26岁这个年龄的时候还一事无成。 |
| 6. | Landscape poetry mos always have gathered fuga is the narrowest place of the city landscape nourished the blood , poetry casting the soul of the city 山水诗都马鞍山历来就是文人墨客云集的风雅之地,山水滋养了城市的血脉,诗歌铸造了城市的灵魂。 |
| 7. | Writers cannot bear the fact that poet john keats died at 26 , and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year 对于约翰.济慈年方26便溘然长逝这一事实,文人墨客们皆痛不欲生,但他们中仅有半数人诙谐地认为,设若他们也死于这一年龄,其一生可视为失败。 |
| 8. | High and upright in character , bamboos are always loved and revered by people and extolled by literary men and painters alike in successive dynasties 纵观历史,竹子高风亮节,深受人们的喜爱和崇敬,但历代文人墨客写竹、画竹者众多,却从来没有哪位作家、画家把竹根艺术盆景填入他们的大作。 |
| 9. | Called the " tablet grotto in the yandang mountain " , the dragon - nose cave counts a collection of about 80 carved inscriptions of the past generations , a spot of which , attracts mostly the literati and man of letters 鼻洞有“雁山碑窟”之称,计有历代摩崖碑刻80多处,为文人墨客拜谒之地。 |
| 10. | Since wende bridge locates on a meridian line , a wonderful view of a half moon by either side of it can be seen at midnight on november 15th every lunar year when the bridge moon hangs in the sky 李白投水捞月的故事,在人民群?中广?流传,很多文人墨客和学士名流也因文德桥畔的半边月慕名而来,曾?她写下了脍炙人口的篇章。 |